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« October 2010 | Main

BattleLoreMaster Posts

November 2010

November 30, 2010

End of an Era

Greetings BattleLore fans.

After four years in operation, I’m deciding to officially close down the BattleLoreMaster website. It seems all I’ve been doing for a while now is repeating information already on the Fantasy Flight Games site.

Back in the old days when the game was first released, there was a huge buzz from the original publisher, and a lot of excitement about the future of BattleLore. They were very supportive of this site, sent me new releases, and at one time there was even the possibility of getting the job of writing a background sourcebook for the game, and a bright future for the character of The Raven, a creation I’m still very proud of. Unfortunately, all that was not to be.

I’m sure FFG will continue to support the game and release the occasional expansion, but there’s really no longer any incentive for me to keep updating this site, let alone expand it.

For the moment, I’ll be keeping the forums open and the site how it is online, but unless there are some huge changes in the BattleLore world I’ll no longer be updating it. (Note that at the moment there are some technical issues with the site which I’ll resolve as soon as possible.)

Thanks for coming along for the ride BattleLore fans; it was fun to create this site and be part of the excitement around the original release. A special thankyou to those who contributed content. BattleLore is of course still a fantastic game and will always be a valued part of my game collection, and I look forward to seeing what FFG will do with it.

The Raven sends his regards as well. He is on some dark mission in a land of shadow, no doubt risking life and limb for pay. I’m sure we will hear rumors of his exploits again one day.

For all future information, see Fantasy Flight Games.

End of an Era

Greetings BattleLore fans.

After four years in operation, I’m deciding to officially close down the BattleLoreMaster website. It seems all I’ve been doing for a while now is repeating information already on the Fantasy Flight Games site.

Back in the old days when the game was first released, there was a huge buzz from the original publisher, and a lot of excitement about the future of BattleLore. They were very supportive of this site, sent me new releases, and at one time there was even the possibility of getting the job of writing a background sourcebook for the game, and a bright future for the character of The Raven. Unfortunately, all that was not to be.

I’m sure FFG will continue to support the game and release the occasional expansion, but there’s really no longer any incentive for me to keep updating this site, let alone expand it.

For the moment, I’ll be keeping the forums open and the site how it is online, but unless there are some huge changes in the BattleLore world I’ll no longer be updating it.

Thanks for coming along for the ride BattleLore fans; it was fun to create this site and be part of the excitement around the original release. A special thankyou to those who contributed content. BattleLore is of course still a fantastic game and will always be a valued part of my game collection, and I look forward to seeing what FFG will do with it.

The Raven sends his regards as well. He is on some dark mission in a land of shadow, no doubt risking life and limb for pay. I’m sure we will hear rumors of his exploits again one day.

For all future information, see Fantasy Flight Games.

End of an Era

Greetings BattleLore fans.

After four years in operation, I’m deciding to officially close down the BattleLoreMaster website. It seems all I’ve been doing for a while now is repeating information already on the Fantasy Flight Games site.

Back in the old days when the game was first released, there was a huge buzz from the original publisher, and a lot of excitement about the future of BattleLore. They were very supportive of this site, sent me new releases, and at one time there was even the possibility of getting the job of writing a background sourcebook for the game, and a bright future for the character of The Raven. Unfortunately, all that was not to be.

I’m sure FFG will continue to support the game and release the occasional expansion, but there’s really no longer any incentive for me to keep updating this site, let alone expand it.

For the moment, I’ll be keeping the forums open and the site how it is online, but unless there are some huge changes in the BattleLore world I won’t be updating it.

Thanks for coming along for the ride BattleLore fans; it was fun to create this site and be part of the excitement around the original release. A special thankyou to those who contributed content. BattleLore is of course still a fantastic game and will always be a valued part of my game collection, and I look forward to seeing what FFG will do with it.

The Raven sends his regards as well. He is on some dark mission in a land of shadow, no doubt risking life and limb for pay. I’m sure we will hear rumors of his exploits again one day.

For all future information, see Fantasy Flight Games.

End of an Era

Greetings BattleLore fans.

After four years in operation, I’m deciding to officially close down the BattleLoreMaster website. It seems all I’ve been doing for a while now is repeating information already on the Fantasy Flight Games site.

Back in the old days when the game was first released, there was a huge buzz from the original publisher, and a lot of excitement about the future of BattleLore. They were very supportive of this site, and at one time there was even the possibility of getting the job of writing a background sourcebook for the game, and a bright future for the character of The Raven. Unfortunately, all that was not to be.

I’m sure FFG will continue to support the game and release the occasional expansion, but there’s really no longer any incentive for me to keep updating this site, let alone expand it.

For the moment, I’ll be keeping the forums open and the site how it is online, but unless there are some huge changes in the BattleLore world I won’t be updating it.

Thanks for coming along for the ride BattleLore fans; it was fun to create this site and be part of the excitement around the original release. A special thankyou to those who contributed content. BattleLore is of course still a fantastic game and will always be a valued part of my game collection, and I look forward to seeing what FFG will do with it.

The Raven sends his regards as well. He is on some dark mission in a land of shadow, no doubt risking life and limb for pay. I’m sure we will hear rumors of his exploits again one day.

For all future information, see Fantasy Flight Games.